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Attendance Expectations

  • Attendance and Enrollment
Attendance Expectations

School attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his/her parents. Students should be absent from school only when absolutely necessary. Many classes use lectures, discussions, demonstrations and participation as part of daily learning activities and these cannot be made up by those who are absent. Students with good attendance records generally tend to achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. 

State law A.R.S. 15‑802 (D) and 15‑901 (A) (6) (c) requires that a person having custody of a child between six (6) and sixteen (16) years of age must send the child to school full time when the school is in session, unless statutorily excused pursuant. 

When a child is absent, a parent or guardian is required to call the attendance office.  If this is not possible, parents must send a written note to hand in to the attendance office on the day your child returns. Arizona law now requires the school to report the reason for absences. In compliance with Arizona State Law, a student will be dropped from attendance after ten consecutive unexcused or unverified absences. If the school does not receive a call or note from parent/guardian, following their return to school, the absence will be considered unexcused. If a student is dropped from attendance, he/she must re‑enroll upon their return.