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  • Student Safety

There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending to enroll or be promoted to schools within twelve (12) calendar months. For purposes of this policy a person as specified above shall be considered a "student" until graduation, transfer, promotion or withdrawal from the school.


"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons, against another student and in which both of the following apply:

  • The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation with or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated with an educational institution.
  • The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal degradation.

"Organization" means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, or similar group that is affiliated with an educational institution and whose membership consists primarily of students enrolled at that educational institution.

It is no defense to a violation of this policy if the victim consented or acquiesced to hazing.  In accord with statute, violations of this policy do not include either of the following:

  • Customary athletic events, contests or competitions that are sponsored by an educational institution.
  • Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program or a legitimate military training program. All students, teachers and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.