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MUSD Buses: Safe, Dependable & Efficient

  • Student Safety
  • Transportation
MUSD Buses: Safe, Dependable & Efficient

The Marana Unified School District covers 550 square miles with hundreds of school buses providing safe, dependable, and efficient transportation. All vehicles in the fleet are up-to-date with route buses being 2013 and newer. Buses are equipped with safety features that include air conditioning, video monitoring, GPS, and air doors.

Marana school buses transport over 4,000 students and travel approximately 12,900 miles on a daily basis. As of January 2020, the transportation fleet consists of 148 buses, 116 white fleet service and student activity vehicles, and 78 pieces of special equipment like tractors, mowers, and more!

Like you, our desire is your child’s safety from the moment they leave your home until they return safely that afternoon. This can best be achieved by working together. You can help by discussing with your child a few simple but effective precautions concerning their time away from home.

These precautions include making sure you and your child know the following:

  • The walking route to take to and from the bus stop and the proper behavior en route
  • The safety precautions and appropriate conduct to be maintained at the bus stop and on the bus, including use of safety belts
  • The correct bus route number
  • What to do if the bus is more than 15 minutes late
  • Carry school ID at all times
  • In addition, it is critical that your child always boards and departs the bus at the correct stop as known and approved by you. A signed note from the parent/guardian is required for a student to ride a different bus or to get off at a different stop. The note must be given to school staff who will then issue a bus permit for the student to provide for the bus driver. Children should be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.

Although we hope it will never be necessary for your family to be concerned with violations of bus rules, you and your child should be aware of the discipline procedures designed to correct problems. Please take a few moments to go over these rules in the Bus Safety section of the Bus & Transportation webpage. The consequences of inappropriate behavior or actions on the bus are fully explained in the Student Code of Conduct.

Please note: incidents involving major violations described in the student code of conduct may result in a suspension of riding privileges; students may also be charged for any damage caused to the bus and/or for the cleaning of graffiti from the bus.

Bus stops are reviewed carefully on an ongoing basis for safety and effectiveness. As per state requirements, bus stops may be no closer than a minimum of 600 feet and may be subject to other state, district or homeowner association guidelines.

By working together, we can safeguard your child from potential hazards associated with all aspects of transportation, both on and off the bus. We hope you and your child have a productive and safe year.

  • Transportation