Student Expectations While Using Chromebooks
- Chromebooks
- Discipline
- Information Technology
- Student Safety
Student Expectations While Using Chromebooks
Students will use their Chromebook to enhance their educational experience by connecting with teachers, students, and content. Below is a list of standards that all students are expected to follow.
- Do not store any information on the device or in the Google Cloud that you would not want to share with a teacher, the principal, the technology department, or your parents.
- Attempting to override the Internet filtering software by utilizing proxies, circumventing network programs, and accessing and manipulating the internal configuration of the device is prohibited.
- Accessing, sending, creating, or forwarding any materials, communications, files, or images that are defamatory, obscene, pornographic, harassing, threatening, or illegal is not acceptable and will be subject to disciplinary action. If you receive any of those items, report it to a school administrator immediately.
- Using your device for any illegal activities, or attempt to gain access to the school’s network infrastructure or other computer networks that are beyond your authorized access is considered trespassing. Signing in as another user or accessing another’s account without authorization is strictly prohibited.
- Lock your screen when you leave your Chromebook unattended for any amount of time. You will be held responsible for any activity that occurs under your account login.
- Students must respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement happens when you inappropriately copy someone else’s work that is protected by copyright. If you are unsure if something can be legally copied or not, request permission to reproduce from the copyright holder.
- Protect your privacy at all times. Never share your passwords with others. Do not reveal identifying information about yourself or others through email or the Internet. Identifying information includes but is not limited to your name, age, address, phone number, photographs, or parents’ names.
- It is the student’s responsibility to arrive at school with their device fully-charged for their daily academic duties.
Should the need arise to impose discipline regarding use, misuse, or intentional damage of your Chromebook, the school’s administration will determine the appropriate action by following MUSD Comprehensive Discipline Policy JK. Such disciplinary outcomes may include but are not limited to, suspension, temporary or permanent loss of computer/network privileges, contact with law enforcement, etc.
- Chromebooks